we've got answers

Head to the Find A Home page and filter by your local area.
You can either download our brochure from the property pages, or call us on 0113 306 1310 and we can have a chat.
A button will pop up on each of our property pages, or call us on 0113 306 1310 and we can get you booked in.
You’ll find the opening times for all our show homes on the contact page. If you’re not sure, please call us on 0113 306 1310 for more information.
We’re here to help your property journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible – please get in touch if there is anything we can support you with.
We can’t directly offer any financial advice, however, our partners, Mortgage Advice Bureau are available to help you with mortgage advice. If you’d like to know more please give us a call on 0113 302 1310.
We don’t directly rent our properties, however can put you in touch with a local Lettings Agent that does – just give us a call on 0113 306 1310.
We will keep you fully up to date with regards to the moving process and when your home will be ready and due for completion. If you need to find out more please get in touch.
Corporate enquiries should be directed to savannah@citu.co.uk
We really want to make sure that you are happy with the Citu service. Please refer to our formal complaints policy at the bottom of this page.